Sweaters That Fit!
Do you dream of knitting sweaters that fit perfectly and look great on you, only to be disappointed with the final results? If so, this class is for you! In this class you will learn how to identify sweater style characteristics, recognize why they work, and then select patterns that will flatter your (perfect) shape. Next, you will learn how interpret pattern schematics and use sweater math to modify any sweater pattern to fit you. Finally, you will learn which adjustments you need to make once in a while versus those you need to make every time you knit a sweater.
Instructor: Susan Lopez
Supplies Required: Sweater pattern – either one you’ve used before or one you’re interested in knitting, if possible, a sweater (commercial or hand knit) that fits you well, a calculator (the one on your phone is great), and *Note: We will be taking measurements – painless, I promise! –please wear (or bring to change into) a close-fitting top.
Skills Required: Familiarity with gauge, experience knitting a sweater from a pattern, and how to use a calculator.
Skills Learned: How to: Identify sweater style characteristics and assess why they work, select patterns that will flatter your (perfect) shape, measure for a sweater, interpret pattern schematics, use sweater math to modify any sweater pattern to fit you, determine which adjustments you need to make once in a while versus those you will make every time you knit a sweater.
Class Size: 6 students maximum, 2 students minimum. If the 2 student minimum is not met, Needles in the Haymarket can either refund the class or move the student to a class scheduled at a later date.