Learn to Spin on a Wheel
Has learning to spin on a wheel been on your bucket list for too long? Now is the time to try it out in this introductory spinning class! You will learn how a spinning wheel works, what fiber to choose, how to get started, and then create your own yarn. Bring your own wheel and fiber or call the shop to arrange to use a wheel during class (limit, 2 “borrowed” wheels per class). No fiber? No problem -- purchase it at the shop prior to class.
Instructor: Susan Lopez
Skills Required: This class is for beginners, but previous experience with a drop spindle or drafting fiber is a plus.
Skills Learned: Become familiar with basic spinning terms and equipment, identify the parts of a spinning wheel and how they work, use the treadles to start, stop, and change spinning direction, draft fiber, and use a spinning wheel to create your own yarn.
One 3-hour session
Supplies Required: Spinning wheel* and fiber -a minimum of one ounce, undyed roving. Breeds to consider include Romney, Corriedale, and BFL – no merino, silk, or alpaca please.
*If you don’t have a wheel, call the shop to arrange to use a spinning wheel.
Skills Required: This class requires experience with drafting fiber. Students must either enroll in “Learn to Spin Using a Drop Spindle” or already have this experience prior to enrolling in this class.
Skills Learned:
- Become familiar with basic spinning terms and equipment.
- Identify the parts of a spinning wheel and how they work.
- Use the treadles to start, stop, and change spinning direction.
- Draft fiber using the short-forward draw method.
- Use a spinning wheel to create your own yarn.
Class Size: 6 students maximum, 2 students minimum. If the 2 student minimum is not met, Needles in the Haymarket can either refund the class or move the student to a class scheduled at a later date.