Free Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom Workshop
This workshop will introduce students to using the techniques of free weaving for their rigid heddle looms. In this workshop, students will have the opportunity to experiment with different techniques making a sampler for future reference. Free weaving is a great stash buster technique.
Instructor: Connie Diamant
2 sessions, 1.5 hours each (a total of 3hours)
Supplies: Rigid heddle loom dressed with a dark warp (black or dark grey) worsted wool warp on a 7.5 reed (2 1/2 yard warp). 4 or 5 small balls of scrap yarn leftover from other projects, scissors, pen/pencil for notes.
Skills Required: Some experience with weaving on a rigid heddle loom and the ability to dress the loom before class.
Skills Learned: Free weaving techniques including clasped weft, slubs, loops, packing, and spreading.
Homework: Dress rigid heddle loom with a dark warp (black or dark grey). Find scrap yarn. Bring dressed loom and scrap yarn to class.
Class Size: Maximum 4; minimum 3